I've been doing a lot of exercises to try and strengthen some of the smaller muscles in my hips, core and buttocks. I've done a few sessions with an ultrasound to identify which muscles are working and which aren't. It's interesting to the complex interplay of muscles on screen as you perform small movements, and how slight changes in position have considerable changes in the muscles being used.
As it stands, I have several deficits in my right side which I'm overcoming by overcompensating with my hip flexor and obliques. Thinking on it, it makes me realise areas other than running which I've been impacted, such as getting in and out of cars and standing up without swinging into it.
So far I've noticed a little improvement - standing up is a lot easier, and I'm getting good feedback from the physio. How about the acid test of running? Unfortunately I've been pretty bad at keeping up with my running lately. I've only been going for a few short runs each week, although on these I've been able to run more than shuffle and pick my speed up. It will be interesting to see how much more I can improve.