Wednesday, 6 December 2006


I had more tests this morning, and while they didn't involve the lowering of my pants I was required to take my shirt off. First they took several vials of blood - I've got no problem with needles or seeing blood, so this wasn't a problem, although with the number of vials they took I wondered if I was going to be a withered husk by the time I walked out.
Following the blood tests, they asked for a urine test. Now, peeing in a jar wouldn't normally pose much of a problem, but at that stage of the morning I tend not to be sufficiently hydrated to produce the best results. After much effort and concentration I somehow managed to fill the jar to a sufficient (yet embarassingly low) level.
Next up was the ECG. The challenge this time: my chest hair. After a short stint with a pair of scissors I had enough bald patches to apply the pads to all the necessary locations. Despite this level of grooming, I got a partial free wax job when they were removed. Although the nurse aplogised, I'm sure she took some level of glee in seeing a grown man with a ridiculous pattern cut into his chest hair wince and tear up.
That's all the pre-op tests sorted, the biggest challenge remaining is dealing with my parents when they visit. That and trying to drink a sensible amount at the work Christmas party.

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