Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Return Pt 2

With my hand function greatly diminished and the deteriation in my leg, my best option to stop things getting worse was to have a small tube inserted into my spinal cord that would allow the cyst to drain. unfortunately this meant more surgery, but also offered some hope that things would get better when the pressure caused by the cyst was relieved. The most depressig aspect was that ten years ago the original intent had been to install a shunt, but they hadn't done it because removing the scar tissue seemed to have a positive effect during the op.

My operation went as planned, although I was disappointed to discover I had numbness in the index finger and thumb of my left, "good" hand. My Dr indicated this was from where the shunt was attached outside my spinal cord, and he was unsure how much this would recover. Despite my overall good health, this was quite frustrating as with the lack of sensation, movement and strength in my right hand I'm extremely dependent on my left.
Hospitals aren't great places for young people to spend time. Once again, I spent most of my time in hospital trying to get out, and despite only spending three nights there (the first in post-operative fugue) I practically bolted out of the place.

I'm now at home recovering, dealing with increased incidence of my dizzy spells, tiredness and am carefuly watching my hands for improvement. it's frustrating feeling fine but getting exhausted after being up and about for only a few minutes. At least my left hand has picked up some sensation, but is still not right. Looks like I may have a few more burns ahead of me...

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