Tuesday, 9 November 2010


It's been a while between posts as life has been pretty hectic. I've been travelling a lot for work, and have just moved in with my beautiful girlfriend. Unfortunately, I think I overdid it a bit. I tried to do to much packing and moving on my own, and this combined with the travel meant I went through a period where I was stressed, exhausted and disappointed in my ability to do more for myself.
Moving things really bought home for me how limited my ability to grasp and carry things has become. Boxes that should have been easy to carry were instead awkward burdens, lots of things got dropped and my hand and arm would quickly tire, further reducing my ability to carry anything. On top of this, I was finding that I was wearing out very quickly. Carrying a few loads of things from the car would require a rest; one night I had to lay down for half an hour after unpacking some books.
To make matters worse, despite knowing I (desperately) needed help some part of my male brain was still reluctant to do so, despite driving myself into dizzy spells and feeling like I was going to collapse.

Moving has also made me consider my location, and how there must be other sufferers of Syringomyelia nearby. Now that I'm living in Sydney, I'd expect there to be 300-350 other sufferers nearby (assuming an 8 in 100,000 incidence rate). In Wollongong (where I moved from), I could expect somewhere between 15 and 30. None of them seem to have any form of footprint on the web though - searching on Syringomyelia and Sydney (or Wollongong) and refining terms doesn't seem to yield any results. I wonder if there is anyone in Sydney (or Wollongong for that matter) discussing their Syringomyelia online?

Finally, I'm off to the hand surgeon again next Tuesday. It'll be interesting to see what he says. At the moment I'm a bit pessimistic that he can help, but will try and turn that around over the next few days.

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