Friday, 12 August 2011

Master Splint-er

On Tuesday I returned to the hand surgeon, this visit marked 4 months since the operation. At first he was a bit worried that I'd made no progress, but on further investigation he realised that I was weaker than he'd expected, and things were working, just not at the level he expected. Apparently when undergoing tendon transfer operations the muscles usually weaken, but due to my condition they weakened more than normal. As such, what is typically a 6 month recovery is likely to take me twice as long.
He did seem to think I had some improved strength in my thumb and tricep, which are related to the same nerve path, so maybe something is healing back towards the source of the problem as well.
There was some more good news though: I don't need to go back to see him or the OT for another two months. That'll save some money. Even better news though is that I don't need to wear the splint. It was getting pretty cumbersome and annoying, so I'm glad to see the back of it. The first thing I noticed though was that without it I was having problems typing, so now I'm back to wearing my old wrist brace while I type.

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