Wednesday, 11 July 2012

One Week

Today marks a week until I'm undergoing my fourth spinal surgery.  I  recently noted over on the Chiari & Syringomyelia Facebook group ( that I had been having very few dizzy spells recently and that my fitness has been getting better - I ran a very comfortable 8 kilometres last week and will try and do a 10k run before I go to hospital.
Despite that upside, my hands have been very problematic lately.  My right hand always tends to get worse with the cold, clawing up and allowing very little movement.  This combined with the decreasing strength and sensation in my left hand is making a lot of things very hard.  Zippers and buttons are very unmanagable, and my typing is suffering when I neglect to wear my wrist brace.
All this serve to remind me that the operation is worthwhile.  While I'm not looking forward to my time in hospital or the recovery, I am looking forward to seeing what impact it will have had on my health afterwards.  I'm not nervous at all, I'm starting to feel an old hand at this now - my major concern is probably more around how nervous and worried my wife will be!

Here's hoping for a safe hospital stay and a speedy recovery.

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